Hi there! hope you are doing good.
Inspiration behind this site is just to keep an account for my work. That's why instead of just seeing my photographic work, you can see other pages too.
In photography, I developed interest lately and studied it on my own mostly through web based info's; besides I am working as a full time PhD student at IIT-D. Types of photography I studied are - long exposure, night photography, landscape photography, portrait photography and HDR photography using auto-bracketing. Recently I did some experiments with time-lapse video too i.e. same as still photography of an object in motion at regular intervals.
I have added a poetry page. This page is just a reminder of thoughts passed by, which taught me a new lesson every time. Otherwise it also helped me in improving my cognitive skills.
Blog is a place where I'll be directly sharing my new life experiences, which otherwise happens very rarely.
So all in all this site is just a space where you can put yourself in and away from your crumbling life. Hope it helps you to feel and reach your inside depth and brings peace in you.
Atul Thakur.

Contact Me
Bellandur-Bangalore, Karnataka,India 560035
Mobile: +91-92054-64068